Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Are You Risk Taker?

I am conducting a mini survey on a few questions related to language learning. Pick one out of the three and send me your comments. Simply click on the word comment below and a comment box will pop up.

Question 1: Do you need to be a good risk taker to learn English well? Why?

Question #2: Which is harder to learn? Speaking and listening or reading and writing? Why?

Question #3: Can you think of some good ways to learn and remember new vocabulary for
longer than two weeks?

I look forward to your comments.


  1. I want to be a risk taker to learn English. As more risk I take, as more I can learn from my mistakes.

    For me, writing is hard to improve. Also, speaking is hard as I do not have much chance to speak with native English speakers. In addition, my reading is very slow, need to be improved. Of course, listening too.

    By S. Liu

  2. Question: How to speed my reading. I always try to speak out of the words I was reading.

    S. L

  3. 1. I would like to be a risk taker, because it is the only way to learn from my mistakes.

    2. I think that all are hard but if I have to choose reading and writing are harder to learn because reading slow makes more difficult to understand the context and writing involves knowing a lot of vocabulary and also ordering paragraphs I found so difficult.

    3. I think that a good way of remember new vocabulary is making sentences.


  4. Thanks for the comments. I agree that learning something new does involve taking risks, which is both hard and worthwhile once you begin to see the benefits. Each person has his own strengths and weaknesses, so keep working at it. The more you read and write in English, the better you will get. If you get feedback about improvements you can make, use the information, include it in your next attempt. Whatever you do, don't give up. You can do it.

  5. Dear S.L

    There are many things you can do to improve your reading skills. One of them is to make yourself stop vocalizing (saying the words as you read them - both with your mouth and in your head). Try putting a pencil between your lips while you read. This and the awareness that you want to stop doing this may help. While there are many things you can do to improve, there is no magic. All the advice in the world will not help if you don`t read. Improving takes practice and this means you must read, read, read. I can give you many tips, but I will refer your question to the ASK Me pages because my answer will be too long for this comment. Check back in the Answer Me page.

  6. Thanks Michelle, I am trying to read more short materials everyday.

    S. L


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