If you want to know the meaning of a word, idiom, expression or even "set collocation" try one of dictionaries below,, or simply type in the words you want + definition + the name of the dictionary.
You can also get example sentences in which the word or expression is used by going to Google, typing in the expression, the name of the dictionary + example sentences
- Merriam Webster ESL Learner's Dictionary
- Collins Co Build Dictionary for English Learners
- Longman's Dictionary (ESL)
- Merriam Webster Dictionary ( excellent explanations that are not too difficult if you can't find something in an ESL dictionary)
- Oxford Picture Dictionary
(Critical Thinking Skills)
(Critical Thinking Skills)
Daily NEWS Listening Links
- Voice of America News terrific to get a picture of what is going on in the world world)
- BBC One Minute News
- BBC 6 Minute English
- BBC Words in the News
- CTV News.Ca . (regular newscasts - Canadian)
- CBC News Ca
- The National on Demand Podcast ( 5 minutes)
- CBC News on Demand
- CBC.ca / British Columbia
Daily Dictation Practice
- Dictation : Daily Dictation Practice ( 200 dictation activities. Each has 10 sentences)
- Longer Intermediate Level Dictations by Topic ( FROM ESL Lounge)
Daily Pronunciation Practice
Daily Pronunciation Practice ( Do these exercises everyday. It will help you improve your pronunciation.
Welcome to the new term!
Read this before you check your homework
- Answer Key Basic Grammar Review p-.1-8 verb forms to modals
- Answer Key Word Order In Sentences
- Answer Key the Verb Phrase
- Answer Key Present Present Progressive
- Answer Key Sentence Combining with Prepositional Phrases
- Answer Key Present Perfect Present Perfect Progressive ( 1) NEW
- Answer Key Singular Plural #1
Answer Keys Singular Plural #2
- Answer Key Six Way Paragraphs #1-5
- Answer Key Describing Personal Character Traits
- Answer Key Vocabulary In Context Practice 1
- Answer Key Six Way Paragpraphs #6-#11
- Answer Key Six Way Paragraphs #12-16 this one works
- Answer Key Six Way Paragraphs #22-#27 NEW
- Answer Key Inferences and Drawing Conclusions
- Answer Key Six Way Paragraphs #17-21
- Answer Key Six Way Paragraphs #33-#37
- Answer Key Six Way Paragraphs #38-#42
- Answer Key Six Way Paragraphs #43-#47
Week #8 - Oct 20-27th, 2014
Answer Keys and Listening
Answer Keys Six Way Paragraphs
- Answer Key Six Way Paragraphs #33-#37
- Answer Key Six Way Paragraphs #38-#42
- Answer Key Six Way Paragraphs #43-#47
Longer Conversations about Every Day topics
Work Related Dialogues
Daily Life:
Small Talk:

These videos are terrific for practicing listening to lectures and more serious topics. All of them are less than 5 minutes long and include quizzes.
- Unemployment Benefits
- Forms to Fill Out
- Questions about the Forms
- Talking to people about employment/unemployment (1)
- Workshop to Prepare for Interviews
- Finding a Job
Daily Life:
- Calling a Credit Card Company
- Disputing a Charge
- Reporting an Internet Problem
- Returning a Call to your Child's Teacher
Small Talk:

How to write a good CV ( ESLVideo)
Reading the classifieds ( ESL Video)
Job Interview questions ( ESL Video)
Job Interview ( ESL Video)
These videos are terrific for practicing listening to lectures and more serious topics. All of them are less than 5 minutes long and include quizzes.
- Leonardo da Vinci: The Man Behind the Renaissance ( 1:39 min)
- What' wrong with our food system (5:00 min)
- Understanding Overfishing (4:21)
- Bird Migration: A Perilous Journey (4:10)
- Should You Trust Your First Impression? ( 4:39)
Movie Trailers and Clips
Global Warming Report
IELTS Lecture: The Nightmare of Work
Work and the Over 50s
Preventing Strokes
TOEIC Listening Practice : Int. and Adv
TOEIC Target Unit 4 ( Part 2 - Comment/Response)
TOEIC Target Unit 5 Part 3 ( Conversations)
TOEIC Target Unit 3 part 4 ( Short Talks, Announcements, Commercials)
TOEIC Target Unit 3 Part 4 ( Talks,Announcements, Commercials)PART 2
Two Sentence Dialogues
Longer Conversations
The transcript is at the bottom of the page. Listen twice. Take notes. Answer the questions. Then, read the script as you listen to the lecture again.
- Lecture: History Silk Road
- Lecture Modern History Berlin Wall .
- Animal Behaqviou Bird Migration
- Lecture in Business Class
Weekend Oct. 19, 2014
- Handout: A Matter of Compassion ( comprehension and vocabulary)
- Reading for Understanding 2
- Reading for Understanding 3
- Practice specific skills from the READING PAGE
Week #7: Oct. 14-16, 2014
- Practice for Reading Test #1
- Six Way Paragraphs #31
- Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen + videos
- Answer Key Inferences and Drawing Conclusions
- 4 Short Reading Comprehension Passages
- 4 more Short Reading Comprehension Practices
- Mental Illnesses
- Homeless People
- Traffic Accidents
- Speed Reading Stories and Comprehension Check
After you click on the link, stories about American culture. Each story has a timer. You have between 5 and 10 minutes to read the story and answer the questions.
- The American Buffalo
- Americans and their Cars
- Bar hopping
- American Funerals
- Abortion and the Death Penalty
- Sentence Combining: Air Pollution ( handout)
Thanksgiving Weekend Oct. 09-13th, 2014
Hi guys,
Sorry this is late, but illness is preventing me from doing as much as usual. Look for answer keys for grammar and reading above. Some of it may not be posted until tomorrow, so come back to check.
Since this is Thanksgiving, I thought I would give you a couple of songs about "gratitude and thanks." They are both easy.
Since this is Thanksgiving, I thought I would give you a couple of songs about "gratitude and thanks." They are both easy.
- Practice for Reading Quiz on Wednesday. (Handout - answer key for 4 readings to come.
- Short Story: Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen( handout) . I will post two videos that tell the short story as well.
- Answer Key Six Way Paragraphs #22-#27 NEW
Two thanksgiving Day Gentlemen ( Part 1)
The first 2:37 are about the writer O Henry and the U.S. at the beginning of the 19th cenytury. The actual story starts at 2:37
Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen Part 2
Rewrite your composition on the Qualities of _________. Focus on both content and sentence structure. Remember rewriting is not just correcting grammar mistakes, but improving the development of your points. That means adding more details etc.
Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen Part 2
Rewrite your composition on the Qualities of _________. Focus on both content and sentence structure. Remember rewriting is not just correcting grammar mistakes, but improving the development of your points. That means adding more details etc.
VOCABULARY: Below you will find a lot of work related vocabulary that may help you when you rewrite your composition on Qualities of _________________.
Also, go to the VOCABULARY page where there should be many resources.
English for work ( English club)
Vocabulary for Health professionals ( nurses and doctors)
- General page for nurses and doctors
- medical-vocabulary
- Vocabulary quiz
- Hospital English
- Medical vocabulary
- Large group of links with medical language
- Medical pharmaceutical English
- Specific ESL readings for health and nursing professionals
- One Stop English Nursing 5 unit program
- Specific ESL readings for health and nursing professionals
You have an adverb clause test on Tuesday.
- Handouts ( Adverb Clauses + sentence combining)
Extra Practice Online :
- Sentence Combining with Adverb Clauses ( Mixed Answer Key)
- Sentence Combining with Adverb Clauses with answer key
- When/While
- Although. Even though vs While/ Whereas
- However vs On the Other hand
- Because of
- Cause/Effect
- So that
- Purpose vs Cause/Effect
- If vs Whether (or not)
- If/Unless
- Result Clauses ( so...that/ such...that)
- Cause Effect vs Unexpected Result
- Cause/Effect Review
- Clauses and Sentences Review ( Fragments and Run Ons)
Listening to Everyday Conversations
Do all of the activities at the bottom ( vocabulary etc.)
Listening in the Real World

Do at least one listening from every category. If your listening is weak, do more
Listening to Everyday Conversations
Do all of the activities at the bottom ( vocabulary etc.)
Social Media Web Sites ( ESL Lab):
Rental Shop (ESL Lab)
A Student Credit Card (ESL Lab)
A Healthy Lifestyle (ESL Lab)
Airline Safety (ESL Lab)
A Japanese Bath (ESL Lab)
Listening in the Real World

ELLLO (English Listening Lessons Library Online)
Natural "Real Life" conversations or monologues with native speakers of English from different countries)
- Listen to conversation WITHOUT the transcript. Then do the vocabulary and comprehension activities on the right side.
- If the transcript is on the screen, click on the - (minus symbol and it will disappear)
- Listen and read the transcript after you have listened without it several times.
- TOEIC Target Unit 6 Part 3 ( Conversations)
- TOEIC Target Unit 5 Part 4 (Short Talks, Announcements,Commercials) Part 1
- TOEIC Target Unit 5 Part 4 (Short Talks, Announcements, Commercials) Part 2
- TOEIC Target Unit 6 Part 4 (Short Talks,Announcements, Commercials) Part 1
- TOEIC Target Unit 6 Part 4 (ShortTalks, AnnouncementsandCommercialsPart 2
- Handout Short Story: The Last Leaf + grammar attached
- Reading for Understanding 2
- Reading for Understanding 3
- Supporting Details
- Supporting Details
- How much do you know about vocabulary
- Context Clues # 1
- Context Clues #2
- Context Clues #3
Watch the video after you have read the short story. There are some differences between the two. What are they?
- Handouts: even though, however, nevertheless, in spite of, despite
- Handouts: Direct Opposition ( While/Whereas, on the other hand,in contrast,
- In spite of/ Despite vs Even though/Although
- Even though/ Although/ In spite of/ However
- Even though/Although/ Desspite/Inspite of ( Word Order)
- Gerund as Subject
- Gerund as Object
- Gerund as Object of Preposition
- Gerund vs Infinitive # 1
- Gerund vs Infinitive #2
- Rewrite you composition on your hometown Correct errors
Pronunciation: Wadda Ya Say: What Are you Doing this Weekend?
Dictation: Instructions
Dictation: Listening to Instructions
This is fairly slow news practice from Edmonton's CBC ESL team. The level is considered to be CLB 4 which is Low Intermediate. The newscast includes vocabulary practice, three short news stories and comprehension questions. It is good practice for you to build up your skills for listening to difficult news stories.
Everyday English in Conversation ( from Focus on English)
Listen and read dialogues with idiomatic and everyday expressions to help you deal with daily conversational situations.
After you listen, practice out loud, speaking WITH the speaker to get the right rhythm and intonation
Eating idioms and expressions about food
Everyday English Conversations
Dictation: Instructions
Dictation: Listening to Instructions
This is fairly slow news practice from Edmonton's CBC ESL team. The level is considered to be CLB 4 which is Low Intermediate. The newscast includes vocabulary practice, three short news stories and comprehension questions. It is good practice for you to build up your skills for listening to difficult news stories.
- CBC Edmonton Newscast Audio (Sept 26th)
- CBC Edmonton Newscast (vocabulary, comprehension, newscript and answers)
Everyday English in Conversation ( from Focus on English)
Listen and read dialogues with idiomatic and everyday expressions to help you deal with daily conversational situations.
After you listen, practice out loud, speaking WITH the speaker to get the right rhythm and intonation
Eating idioms and expressions about food
- Its Stale ....
- I Couldn't Help it. They were so tasty
- How do you want your beef?
- I Want it to Be Lean, Very Very Lean
- It's on Me
- It's My Treat!
Everyday English Conversations
- Smart Phones( ESL Lab)
- Six short Conversations
- Real Conversation about Welfare in the U.S. (from ELLLO )
- Real Conversation about "the Dole" in the U.K
- Displays of Affection
- Bus Trip ( ESL Lab)
- Marriage Preparation
- My Boss Was a Bully ( my own resources)
- Speed Friending ( my own resources)
- Texting that Saves Lives (my own resources)
- Landslides ( ESOL Courses ) Good for lecture type listening
- TOEFL IBT Longer Conversation 1.2
- TOEFL IBT Longer Conversation 1.6
- TOEFL IBT Longer Conversation 2.2
- Longer Conversations (from Petersons' TOEFL Practice )
- Taking Short Notes on Lecture About Credit Cards and Debt
- TOEFL IBT Mini Lecture 1.2 (history)
- TOEFL IBT 1.4 Mini Lecture ( Biology)
- TOEFL IBT 2.3 Mini Lecture (History)
- TOEFL IBT 2.5 Mini Lecture
- Same Meaning Sentences #5
- Same Meaning Sentences #6
- Same Meaning Sentences #7
- Same Meaning Sentences #8
TOEIC ( English for Work)
TOEIC Target Unit 4 Part 2 Question / Response ( Do the questions before you look at the transcript)
Week 5: Sept 30- Oct. 3, 2014-
- Six Way Paragraphs + vocabulary as usual
- Reading for Understanding 2 as usual
- Reading for Understanding 3
- Sentences
- Handout: comma rules + capitalization rules
Listening Test tomorrow:
Short Talks Practice:
Mini Lectures
News: Listening Practice
Reading/ Vocabulary:
- handout: main ideas
- handout: context clues
- More Practice with Vocabulary from the Good Teen
- Context Clues Practice ( many exercises)
- Practice with Implied Main Ideas 1
- Practice with Implied Main Idea #2
Newspaper Stories:
- Human Interest News Stories from the Guardian( do the vocabulary and comprehension) . Summarize the story in your own words ( key points WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHEN, WHY, HOW) in the news journal handout.
- Be prepared to retell your stories on Tuesday. ( 2 minutes only). We will be recording and I will give you a speaking mark.
- Reading for Understanding 2
- Reading for Understanding 3
- Answer Key Six Way Paragraphs (#12-16) NOW AVAILABLE
You will have a grammar test on Tuesday: past tenses, types of sentences, compound sentences with ( and, but, so) compound sentences with adverbial conjunctions (however, therefore, otherwise, on the other hand etc)
- Handouts : Past Time, Shifting Verb Tenses and Adverbial Conjunctions in sentences. Make sure you do the sentence completion
- Past Tenses ( Review of ALL aspects of Past Time)
- Answer Key Past Perfect
- Answer Key Past Perfect 2
- Conjunctive Adverbs Practice + Answer Key
- Answer Key Combining Sentences with Conjunctive Adverbs
- Answer Key Sentence Combining with Conjunctive Adverbs
You will have an in class writing test next week.
- Create an outline for the Paragraph"Best Time to Visit Vancouver" in your writing handout.
- Write a similar composition on the Best Time to Visit Your Hometown, or Favourite City. DOUBLE SPACE
- Write an outline first. Include Major Support and details and examples. Use the composition in your handout as a model.
TOEIC Strategies for Conversations: You have the handout and the answer key
You should be able to hear all of these as i have "given permission" to you.
You should be able to hear all of these as i have "given permission" to you.
- Strategies for Conversations WHO
- Strategies for Conversation WHAT
- Strategies for Conversation WHEN
- Strategies for Conversation WHERE
- Transcript for Conversations Who, What, when, Where
- CBC News Audio April 14th, 2014 ( You have the questions/ transcript)
Video Quizzes
- Tips for Being a Good Parent (My own resources)
- My Boss Was a Bully ( My own resources)
- Technology Addiction Can Affect the Brain Source: ESL Video
- Tipping Etiquette
- Teen Suicide
LLiListening Tips
Skill Based Test Listening practice
Same meaning sentences
Longer Toefl Type Conversations
Movie Trailers/TV
Everyday Conversational English
Lectures with a twist :
Teacher Phil Lectures:
These advanced listening English practice lessons features ~150 second listening session followed by the same text read again but this time you can read along. Then, we do questions. It's not that hard for vocabulary but it's harder than the other lessons due to the faster speaking and lack of explanation of words at the beginning. Cheers.
- What is listening? ( Source BBC Skillwise)
- Types of Listening ( BBC Skillwise)
- Types of listening quiz ( BBC Skillwise)
- Listening in Different situations ( Fact Sheet)
- Listening for Cues (BBC Skillwise)
- Listening to Instructions ( BBC Skillwise)
- Checking instructions (BBC Skillwise)
- Listening to Safety Instructions (BBC Skillwise)
Skill Based Test Listening practice
Same meaning sentences
- Listening for sentences with the same meaning ( paraphrase) #1
- Same meaning sentences #2
- Same meaning different sentences # 3
Longer Toefl Type Conversations
- Longer Conversation 1
- Longer Conversations 2
- Longer Conversation 3
- IELTS preparation listening ( excellent for real life)
Movie Trailers/TV
Everyday Conversational English
- Healthy Lifestyle ( ESL-Lab)
- Drug Addiction ( ESL Lab)
- College Scholarships (ESL-Lab)
- Driver's License

Teacher Phil Lectures:
These advanced listening English practice lessons features ~150 second listening session followed by the same text read again but this time you can read along. Then, we do questions. It's not that hard for vocabulary but it's harder than the other lessons due to the faster speaking and lack of explanation of words at the beginning. Cheers.
More Difficult Lecture/Listening Practice
- Chronic Pain (from Ted Talks) Quiz ESL Video ( 8 minutes)
- TOEFL Lecture ( Body Language) (21 minutes) very difficult
Week #4: Sept. 22-25, 2014
- Contact Assignment - Pink Handout - Parents and Children ( due Thursday)
- Practice Newspaper retell with several different people ( in class Wednesday)
- Pronunciation Practice from above
Reading/ Vocabulary:
- Six Way Paragraphs #12-#16 - Readings/+ (Vocabulary/ Referents handout)
- Newspaper Journal for Retell Wednesday
- Reading for Understanding - As usual - Continue from where you left off
- Reading for Understanding 2
- Reading for Understanding 3
- Main Idea Practice - to be handed out
- Context Clue practice - to be handed out
- Compound Sentences (and, but, so, nor etc)
- Adverbial Conjunctions ( However, therefore, in addition etc.)
- Past Time - Past Simple, progressive, past perfect, past perfect continuous
- Error Correction
- Run On/ Comma Splice
- Internet Exercises to be added
- I'm still waiting for your rewrites and corrections
- The Paragraph - Blue handout ( specific exercises)
- Practice with coherence
- Practice with support ( major support /detail and examples)
- Practice listening from last weekend that you didn't have a chance to.
- TOEIC Strategy Practice TEST #1-#21 You can access it now!
Weekend #3: Sept 18-#22, 2004
1. Join Site
- Some of you have NOT joined the website. I would really appreciate it if you do. This will allow you to get access to materials that others can't ( i.e. some of my own personally uploaded materials.
- Go to the top right hand side of the home page and click on Join this site site. Register with your Google email account and become a supporter.
- Handout: What Makes a Good Teen - for Monday
- Quizlet Practice for The Good Teen
- Newspaper story from handout + news journal for oral news presentation Tuesday
- READING FOR UNDERSTANDING : Try to do at least one a day - every day. if you are a very weak reader, try doing more. You will notice an improvement in your reading. Keep a record of your scores. I would like to see them.
- Reading for Understanding 2
- Reading for Understanding 3
Specific homework from handouts
Listening to the News

These are not recent newscasts, but they will still give you practice at listening to the news. Listen to ONE story at a time and try to take notes _ key words only as you listen. Write new vocabulary words.
Listening to conversational English
- Grammar Test on Monday( present time + past, past continuous) + parts of speech,the sentence.
- Handouts: Verbs Review/ Compound Sentences ( Transitions)
- Present Perfect + Present Perfet Progressive (from Grammarquiz.com) Terrific and Complete Review - for all situations ( Do ALL the exercises)
- Articles ( look at the top of the page for the categories you can practice in)
- Nouns ( look at the top of the page for the categories you can practice in)
- Singular Plural Agreement
Specific homework from handouts
- TOEIC Strategies Practice: Announcements and Talks
- Toeic Strategies Practice Part 4 Weather and news
- TOEIC Strategy Practice TEST #1-#21 You can access it now!
- TOEIC Strategy Practice Test #22-#36
- Whadda ya Want From Me ( excellent for practicing pronunciation)
- Somebody That I Used To Know ( Gotye - Review used to)
- I've Got You Under My Skin ( Frank Sinatra - present perfect + other verbs)
Listening to the News

These are not recent newscasts, but they will still give you practice at listening to the news. Listen to ONE story at a time and try to take notes _ key words only as you listen. Write new vocabulary words.
Listening to conversational English
Focus on
REALLY listening to the conversation. Listen to the conversation ONCE.
Then answer the questions. Listen a second time and answer the questions
again. Do this until you get 100%. DO ALL of the activities on the side or the bottom of the page to get maximum benefit. Write new vocabulary.
- Parents and Children ( CLB 5 listening)
- Saturday Chores ( ESL Lab)
- Marriage Preparations ( ESL Lab
- A Hiking Family
- The Sleepover Party (CLB Listening)
Listening in the Real World
ELLLO (English Listening Lessons Library
Natural "Real Life" conversations or
monologues with native speakers of English from different countries)
- Listen to conversation WITHOUT the transcript. Then do the vocabulary and comprehension activities on the right side.
- If the transcript is on the screen, click on the - (minus symbol and it will disappear)
- Listen and read the transcript after you have listened without it several times.
- Tiger Moms and Helicopter Parents
- Mad and Embarassed
- Touch or no touch
- New York, New York
- Outsourcing
- Success and Failure
- The Cause of Crime
- What I like About Canada
- Do You Prefer to Cook or Eat Out?

- What Adults Can Learn From Kids
- How Do Pain Relievers Work
- The Power of Simple Words (TED Talks) ( do all three of the activities on the right)
- Capturing Authentic Narratives
- The Chinese Head Tax
- Steve Jobs My Life in Three Stories
Movie Clips and Trailers
(Kenton County Adult English as a Second Language)
- This is a long video giving an An overview of the different types of listening passages as well as the * types of questions on the test. The narrator then analyzes CONVERSATIONS listening passages, and discuss the strategies and tricks that are common to this type of passage.
The listening package discussed in the video can be found at: ETS IBT Test Preparation Scroll down to the listening section
TOEIC Practice from TOETAL
Part 2: Question/Response: Question Response ( 11-46)
Part 3: Short Conversations: Short Conversations ( 10 conversations 41-81)
Weekend #2: Sept 12-14, 2004
NOTE: All answer keys are above
1. Join Site
- Go to the top right hand side of the home page and click on join this site. Register with your Google email account and become a supporter.
- handout: An Immigrant's Split Personality - for Monday
- newspaper story from handout + news journal - for Tuesday
- Try to do at least one a day - every day. if you are a very weaker, try doing more. You will notice an improvement in your reading.
- Strong readers with high marks on their report cards should start with RFU 3 #45
- Weaker Students should start with RFU 2 #35
yourself a total of 10 minutes to do ALL of the questions on each card.
You will not improve your skills if you read slowly.
- Click on the card that you want. To choose your next card, follow this guide:
- If your score is 100 percent, advance two card numbers.
- If your score is 80% or 90%, advance one card number.
- If your score is 70 % or lower, stay on the same level.
- handouts: Personality characteristics ( 2 handouts) - answer key above
- Write 15 sentences with 15 of the words from Characteristics of a Good Language Learner OR from Six Way Topics ( use your conversation question cards to help yourself)
- Practice personality vocabulary on Quizlet. This is a vocabulary program that allows to study vocabulary in many different ways. What you see on the screen is a flashcard. You can also use other options. Go to the bottom. Click on either view this study set, or choose a study mode.
Go to the beginning of the Fall Term for answer keys
- Overview of Verbs Handout: (Do the exercises. We will go over the answers.
- Handout - present+ present progressive verbs ( answer key above)
- Type of Verbs
- Present Tenses Practice (grammar.com)
- this is the best place on the internet to study and practice verb tenses. The Present time Page includes explanation and practice on ALL uses of the simple present and present progressive, including editing practice

If you haven't done either of these activities, do them.
SMART GOALS : Read the article and watch the videos. Answer the comprehension questions in the last video. We will go over the answers in class .
Listen to several news stories about the teachers' strike.
ELLLO ( English Listening Lessons Library Online)
Natural "Real Life" conversations or monologues with native speakers of English from different countries)
- Listen to conversation WITHOUT the transcript. Then do the vocabulary and comprehension activities on the right side.
- If the transcript is on the screen, click on the - (minus symbol and it will disappear)
- Listen and read the transcript after you have listened without it several times.
- Living in a Sunny Climate vs a Snowy One
- Saving Money for the Future
- University: Public or Private
- Climate Change: Crazy Weather
- Bad Habits
- Public Transportation
Focus on
REALLY listening to the conversation. Listen to the conversation ONCE.
Then answer the questions. Listen a second time and answer the questions
again. Do this until you get 100%.
DO ALL of the activities (including vocabulary) to get maximum benefit. Write new vocabulary.
- Business Communication ( ESL lab)
- Private Tutor (ESL Lab)
- Video Rental shop (ESL Lab)
- Radio Commercial (ESL Lab)
- Mini Lecture: Arches National Park ( ESL Lab)

- Don't Eat the Marshmellow ( video) Michelle's resources
- Speed Friending ( video) Michelle resources
- How to Get Good Grades
- The History of Hip Hop Dancing ( ESL Video)
- X Factor: Alex and Sierra (ESL Video)
Movie Trailers and Film Clips
TOEIC Part 2: Appropriate
Responses ( from YOU TUBE. Includes answers and explanations)
TOEIC: Short Conversations
Go to the bottom of the page to read
the transcripts AFTER you have done the listening.
and ANNOUNCEMENTS - TOEIC Commercial 1
- TOEIC News Update
- TOEIC Commercial
- TOEIC Commercial
- TOEIC Public Service Announcement
- Cereal Commercial Find the Mistake
Two line Dialogues(Each practice has 10 dialogues)
- Two line dialogues #1 (14)
- Two line Dialogues # 2 (15)
- Two Line Dialogues #3 (16)
- Two Line Dialogues #E4 17)
TOEFL Longer Conversations
1) Listening for Gist: ( Big Picture) What is the topic?
What is being discussed?
2) Focus on listening for answers to WH questions usually asked in tests:
- WHO is speaking?
- WHAT is the relationship between the speakers?
- WHAT is the topic of the conversation?
- WHAT problem does X have? WHAT problem is being discussed?
- WHAT Does A want to know/ What does x tell Y?
- WHEN is this conversation taking place? ( season, time of day etc.)
- WHERE is this conversation taking place?
- WHY does X do something ? WHY is there a problem? WHY....?
- HOW does the situation resolve itself. etc.
3) Focus on on vocabulary that relates to the topic
- Listen for key words that will help you understand in general and specific WH questions
- Write key content words.
- Longer Conversation #1 (5) ( 2 MINUTES) Good Topic: Health ( Listen carefully to key words- write key words and phrases ( i.e. resistance/ ward off)
- Longer Conversation # 2 (17)
- Conversation # 3 (19)
- Conversation # 4 (20)
- Conversation # 5 (29)
WEEK 1: Homework for the Weekend Sept 4-7, 2014

1. Finish interviewing your partner on the telephone. Write a
paragraph or two about your partner.
- You are now at a level where you can often "hear" grammar mistakes that you don't see when you are reading. This is an important skill to learn and work on. It will help you in your writing.
- SPEAK the sentences you work on in your grammar review on parts of speech and the error correction included.
- Read LOUDLY. Listen to yourself as you speak the sentences.
- What looks wrong? What sounds wrong? Correct it
You will be making much better use of your time when doing this because you will be "internalizing" some of your grammar rules - making it real rather than just an exercise.
1) Six Way Paragraphs # 1 Tulipmania - questions and vocabulary
2) Characteristics of a Good/ Successful Language learner ( handout). This includes comprehension questions, vocabulary and thinking questions.
I will read the article and record it as a podcast. Read it first. Then, read and listen at
the same time.
the same time.
It is very important for you to do this homework for Monday as we will be discussing it in class. ( vocabulary, comprehension, grammar)
3. VOCABULARY: On line vocabulary practice from article FROM QUIZLET
Go to Quizlet (view this study set) on the bottom left hand side to access the complete list of words or activities.
Go to Choose a Study mode on the right hand side to choose a specific activity.
Go to Quizlet (view this study set) on the bottom left hand side to access the complete list of words or activities.
Go to Choose a Study mode on the right hand side to choose a specific activity.
Review the rules of basic grammar at the word level.
Correct errors of specific parts of speech and word order in
LEARNING STRATEGY: As you do this error correction THINK about which kind of "basic" errors YOU often make in your own writing. Write the problem and the rule down on flashcards you can stick at the front of your binder.
2. Go the GRAMMAR PAGE if
you want more review on nouns, adjectives and adverbs and BASIC word
order. Save the verbs, prepositions, articles etc. for next week.
1. email me at atomick1@gmail.com Write a paragraph about your opinion about the current teacher's strike. Give reasons for your opinion.
2. Write a paragraph about your partner. Start with a topic sentence that states what you consider to be most important about your partner.
- ESL News Practice ( April 15th, 2013) Intermediate and Advanced
- CBC News Practice (Nov 5th, 2012) Advanced
Listening to conversational English
Focus on
REALLY listening to the conversation. Listen to the conversation ONCE.
Then answer the questions. Listen a second time and answer the questions
again. Do this until you get 100%.
DO ALL of the activities (including vocabulary) to get maximum benefit. Write new vocabulary.
A movie clip is a small segment taken from a regular movie. It is usually from 1:30 to 5 minutes.

Dear students,
I usually add A LOT of homework practice in every skill area on the weekend. This is to give you basic homework I want to cover in class on Monday. It also to give you the opportunity for some extra INDEPENDENT PRACTICE in areas you are weak in, or skills you want to improve more quickly.
It does not mean you have to do ALL of the homework. .
It does mean, however, that you MUST take some responsibility for your own learning by knowing your own strengths and weakness. It also means and some goals and a realistic
picture of what you can accomplish in the amount of time you have.
picture of what you can accomplish in the amount of time you have.
You are adults with families, jobs and other responsibilities. Sometimes you will have time to do a lot of homework. Other times you will only have time to complete some of it.
You MUST however do some homework everyday. Otherwise your English will not
improve, no matter how much you wish it would. .
improve, no matter how much you wish it would. .
There is no magic. Leaning a new language well enough to truly use it as a living language in all areas of your life takes time.
All I can do as your teacher in a half time class is offer you
instruction, guidance, clarification, encouragement and a limited
amount of practice. I CANNOT learn for you. That's YOUR JOB.
LEARNING IS A TWO WAY PROCESS: The teacher teaches. The students ask questions, argue, discuss and PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE.
As students practice, they make mistakes. These are useful and part of the learning process. In fact, practicing means really learning. Practicing and making mistakes means taking risks, stretching your abilities and moving out of your comfort zones. The more mistakes you make, analyze and work on , the more you will improve.
I realize that some of you CANNOT do ALL the homework. However, I expect you to do the homework I set as a priority– work we will cover and work on in class. I will be unhappy if you don’t do this much. I WILL indicate this in red.
Main Idea power point
Main Idea
Don't Eat the Marshmellow
Idioms re
Inityiating Small Talk with tag questions
Hospital English
Medical vocabulary
hLarge group of linksk with medical language
Medical pharmaceutical english
General Business English
One Stop English Nursing 5 unit program
Specific ESL readings for health and nursing professionals
Reading Comprehension Practice ( 44 articles on different topics from Info Squares.com
Very informative post shared by the author. Keep posting this type of post for your reader. As we all know english is very basic and important language. Every one should command over this language. This language become more popular and world wide used language. Keep your self and your kids updated with this langage.
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