Resources To Help You Improve Your Reading
Diagnostic : How Well Do You Read?
IELTS Reading Practice (both Academic and General Training)
Reading more quickly for IELTS (Dominic Cole's IELTS blog)
Speed Readings Tips and Practice
Speed Reading and Comprehension Practice
Read each of the short articles. When you are finished click on the Reading Time button. Then, do the comprehension exercises. Try to do them without looking back at the article.
Context Clues
Using Context Clues to Understand New Vocabulary in Reading
AMERICA (Some have quizzes. Some do not) These are all intermediate level reading and listening passages. The reading is slowed down considerably.
Strange News Stories from Around the World (All levels)
I am beginning to put some of my own exercises in these pages. Try the first one and see what you think. Make sure you read the instructions .
Readings about Scientific and Environment Topics:
Interesting Short Readings with Exercises
Short Stories:
8 Science Fiction Short Stories for Middle School Interesting Authentic Articles with Practice Exercises
You are what you read!
Interesting Short Articles on a Wide Range of Topics:
These articles do NOT have comprehension exercises
Longer Interesting Articles I Recommend
Reading is an essential skill for anyone who wants to succeed in life, but it is equally important in helping you to develop and reinforce all your other language skills. Reading helps you to improve your vocabulary, writing, grammar, and even reading and listening skills because you are constantly reminded of the vocabulary you know, the sentence structure and language usage and expression.
I have added many links with a a variety of reading activities in the links page on the right hand side of the blog. The easier readings links are at the bottom of the list. The list becomes more challenging as you go up. You will find a wide range of reading materials and activities. Some will help you improve skills such as skimming,scanning, sequencing. Others will help you practice your inference, and critical thinking skills Still others are practice reading tests, or longer readings with questions.
Not all of he reading links focus on "skill based activities. You will also find links to fiction stories, magazine articles to suit almost any interest and news stories. Some of these are specifically designed for ESL readers. Others are designed for more advanced readers.
Make an effort to find some of your own reading material. There are many online magazines, comics, romance stories and novels. You can also takeout simplified novels from your school or local library. The main point is read as much as you can.
Basic Reading Skills
Preview the Passage
Read the title and any subtitles that may be in the passage., If the passage is a short one, read the topic sentences (main idea sentences) of all the paragraphs in the passage. Read the first and last paragraphs.
Scan the whole passage (look it over very quickly). Once you have a good
general idea of what the passage is all about, you will be much better able to
understand what you are reading because you will be able to relate the separate
parts to the whole.
Read With a Purpose
Know why you are reading this story, article, passage from a book, or even newspaper article. Ask yourself what you want to get out of it? Write down a few questions you would like to have answered in he reading. When you consciously look for information or ideas, your reading will become much more focused and effective.
Many students think their comprehension will increase if they read slowly and carefully. However, they are wrong. Reading quickly actually improves your comprehension. When you read slowly, word by word, you do not get any sense of the meaning of the passage, but rather a fragmented series of unrelated chunks. When you read more quickly in chunks and without stopping, or going back, you get a much better idea of the bigger meaning of the reading. Skip over words
you don't know or guess their meaning from the context. If there are too many words or phrases you
don't understand, then look the words up and learn what they mean in this
context. Then, after this vocabulary work, read the passage again -- quickly!
Read the Passage More Than Once
Read the article or story again, or even a third time if you have done some vocabulary work, or analyzed some of the sentences for grammar patterns. Write out sentences that strike you as having particularly good vocabulary, a good style, or which demonstrate good language use. ( use of collocations)
Continue building your knowledge of vocabulary and Usage
Develop Your Knowledge of Vocabulary and Usage
The more you read,, the more you will develop your vocabulary. Read for information and knowledge, but read for vocabulary as well. According to John Keith another instructor at VCC, in his website John Keith Communications you can frequently increase your word knowledge by cutting and pasting words, or even entire passage from the Internet (or from a
digital document file or pdf) into Voycabulary; you can even
paste in a web site's URL. Read the passage and double-click on any word for an
instant look up in the dictionary. For many examples of how a word is used, look
it up in the Web Concordancer. When you have vocabulary or
grammar and usage work such as this, always go back to the original passage one
more time."
Read Every Day
Read as much as you can every single day. Carry reading material with you. That way you can pull out when you are waiting for a bus, at a supermarket line up, or in a bank line up. Read on the bus, or the sky train. You can read a lot of material in those "spare moments." The other benefit is hat you will no longer be frustrated when the wait is longer than you expected because you have something to do. Don't limit yourself to "academic reading" Read all types of material, fiction (stories or
novels) as well as non-fiction. Read newspapers, books and magazines -- you
actually remember more from reading printed material than reading something on
the Internet. Read for different reasons -- study, work or interests,. Most of all, read for pleasure. You will find that the more you read, the more you will enjoy reading.
Resources To Help You Improve Your Reading
- How to Improve your Reading : (Comprehensive English advice sheets from the Language Center of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.)
- Reading Strategies: Reading Intelligently to Read Effectively: Advanced Reading Strategies from Mind Tools
- Reading Skills for Academic Purposes : High level academic reading skills and practices from the University of Herforshord
Diagnostic : How Well Do You Read?
Mixed Skills Reading Practice
Each of these quizzes displays a passage from a college textbook, followed by some questions about the reading. You can use these quizzes as extra practice for the reading topics in your textbook.
Each of these quizzes displays a passage from a college textbook, followed by some questions about the reading. You can use these quizzes as extra practice for the reading topics in your textbook.
- Pre-Intermediate Reading Passages (not as easy as you think)
- Intermediate Reading Test Passages ( not so easy)
- 75 Reading Comprehension Practice Exercises
- Advanced Reading Practice Tests ( difficult)
- Reading Strategies Comprehension Test
- 50 Reading Quizzes
- Reading For Everyone :(Mixed Skills Practice. Short Readings at all grade levels)
- 39 Short Reading Quizzes ( Mixed Skills Practice)
- Full Computer IELTS Academic Reading Test
- IELTS Academic Reading Test 1
- 1ELTS Academic Reading Test 2
- PTE General Level 4 Reading Test
- TOEFL Practice Test 1
- TOEFL Practice 2
- TOEFL Practice Test 3
- TOEFL Practice Test 4
IELTS Reading Practice (both Academic and General Training)
Reading more quickly for IELTS (Dominic Cole's IELTS blog)
- Understand Why You Read Slowly
- Overview: How to Understand What You Read in English (Video)
- Effective Study Reading
- How To Read Difficult Texts
- Non Stop Reading
- PQTST Reading
- Strategies to Improve Your Reading Efficiency
- Readings Tips for Literature
Speed Readings Tips and Practice
- How to Read Better and Faster
- Read Faster: Change Three Bad Habits
- The Best Speed Reading Exercises Video
- Blink Read: A specific Speed Reading Practice
- Eliminate Fixation
- Eliminate Sub vocalization
- Eliminate Regression
- Expand Your Field of Vision
- Grab a Few Words at Once
Speed Reading and Comprehension Practice
Read each of the short articles. When you are finished click on the Reading Time button. Then, do the comprehension exercises. Try to do them without looking back at the article.
Critical Thinking Skill Reading Practice
Highly recommended for building your critical thinking skills. Do five exercises a day and you will find that your reading improves a lot. Put yourself under time pressure. Take a MAXIMUM of 10 minutes a car. Try to get it down to 5 or 6 minutes. .
Skill Based Reading Practice
- Words That Sound Alike or Look Alike Study Guide
- Reading Prefixes and Suffixes Study Guide
- Denotation and Connotation Study Guide
Context Clues
Using Context Clues to Understand New Vocabulary in Reading
- Using Context Clues Study Guide
- Defining Vocabulary in Context
- Three Types of Context Clue Power Point with some practice
- Context Clues Tutorial and Practice from Kids Lab
- Online Context Clues Practice
Essential Information and Specific Details
Patterns of Organization/Relationships between Ideas
PHONICS for Students Who Have Trouble Reading
Online Academic Reading Text Books
The Skill Based Reader:
Highly Recommended This is an 11 chapter online textbook by Longman Publishers. It includes focused practice on specific reading skills:how to approach reading, dictionary
Townsend Press Learning Center
Highly recommended . The Townsend Press College Reading Skills series is one of the best known and highly used academic reading series in North America. In addition to the textbooks, Townsend Press has an online learning center where you can practice all specific reading skills at different levels ( context clues, main idea, implied main idea, details, patterns of organization,relationships between ideas, transitions, inference, fact and opinion, summarizing etc.
Canadian Content from Canadian Corner
- Reading For Essential Information
- Practice Identifying Specific Details
- Main Idea and Supporting Details Practice
- Implied Cause and Effects
- Summarizing Text Study Guide
- Practice Summarizing text
- Distinguishing Between Fact and Opinion
- Practice Distinguishing Between Fact and Opinion
Patterns of Organization/Relationships between Ideas
- Power Point Tutorial: Patterns of Organization
- Reading in Chronological Order
- Reading in Order of Importance
- Reading Cause and Effect
- Comprehension of Subtle Points
- Making Inferences Study Guide
- Practice Making Inferences
- Drawing Conclusions
- Practice Drawing Conclusions
- What is a Story Theme Guide
- Practice What is a Story Theme
- Practice Character and Setting Questions
- Study Help Comprehension and Style
PHONICS for Students Who Have Trouble Reading
- The Phonics Song
- Silent E : Can vs Cane
- When Two vowels go walking, the first one does the talking 1
- When Two Vowels Go Walking Game Vocabulary Activity
Online Academic Reading Text Books
with Skilled Based Practices
The Skill Based Reader:
Highly Recommended This is an 11 chapter online textbook by Longman Publishers. It includes focused practice on specific reading skills:how to approach reading, dictionary
use, context clues, building vocabulary skills, main idea and topic,details, patterns of organization, transitions, implied main ideas and inference.
The Skilled Reader: 44 Chapter Review and Mastery tests Highly recommended . The Townsend Press College Reading Skills series is one of the best known and highly used academic reading series in North America. In addition to the textbooks, Townsend Press has an online learning center where you can practice all specific reading skills at different levels ( context clues, main idea, implied main idea, details, patterns of organization,relationships between ideas, transitions, inference, fact and opinion, summarizing etc.
- Townsend Press Reading
- GroundWork For College Reading
- Ten Steps to Building College Reading Skills
- Ten Steps to Improving College Reading Skills
- Ten Steps to Advancing College Reading Skills
- Advancing Reading Skills
- Note: Townsend Press also publishes a series of companion vocabulary textbooks at the same level as its reading textbooks. You can find some of these online vocabulary activities on the Vocabulary page.
Canadian Content from Canadian Corner
- The Quiet Revolution
- The Loonie
- The CN Tower
- Maple Syrup
- Ottawa Hull
- Terry Fox
- The Last Spike
- The Badlands
- 24 Sussex Drive
- Eatons
- Generation X
- Ice Hockey
Canadian History, Geography, Rights
Discover Canada: Reading Information for the Canadian Citizenship Test
Discover Canada (Audio Read by famous Canadians)
Canadian History
The Amazing Time Machine: British Columbia Stories from the Past
- Easy Intermediate Fables and Stories Reading Practices
- Practical Real World Intermediate Reading Comprehension Activities
- Electric Guitar Music
- Snow Melting on Kilimanjaro
- Geothermal Energy
- Bob Dylan
- Catherine Zeta Jones New
- An Unexpected Boat Trip
- Mark Twain
- Michael Jordan
- Bruce Lee
- Lightning Never Strikes Twice
- Noam Chomsky
- Rembrant Self-Portrait from Infosquares
- Are Some Shower Curtains Dangerous? from Infosquares
- Vitamin D Deficiency Source English Corner
Reading in the Real World: CLB Type Reading
(Canadian Language Benchmark)
How well do you understand the things you need to read in your real life - at work, on holidays or at home?
Advanced Reading Practice
Short Readings about History Topics
From Frankie's ESOL Worksheets
MC = multiple choice questions
SA = Short Answer questions
- Hostel Rules
- Inter Rail Pass Notice
- Text on How to Book a Trip
- Text on Entertainment for Children in London
- Pulp Friction: SOURCE University of Victoria
- Cities Source English Online
- Cars Source
Short Readings about History Topics
From Frankie's ESOL Worksheets
- Ryan's Well: Pump It Up
- The Downside of Body Piercing
- The One That Got Away
- School's Out Forever
- Enter the Parents: The Painful Story of Jackie Chan
- Grey Whales Trapped in Ice
- Trapped Whales Set Free
- Looking For Freed Whales
- Stuff and How it Works
- Trapped Climber Cuts Own Arm (cloze)
- Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? cloze)
- School's Out Forever cloze
- Life in 2020 (cloze)
- The Evil Fur Trade
- Roahl Dahl His Life and His Work
- The Right To Die( reading preparation for debate,)
MC = multiple choice questions
SA = Short Answer questions
- Singing the Praises of Singapore ( M.C.)
- Saving Bood,Saving Lives (M.C)
- Is It Real? (M.C)
- An Important Island (M.C)
More Advanced Reading Practice
- Fast Food Source EFL Net
- Thirsty How About A Refreshing Drink of Water Source English Corner
- The San Fransisco Earthquake Source English Corner
- The Eruption of Lassen Peak
- Vitamin Deficiency Source English Corner
- Rosa Parks an Icon for Civil Rights
- Video Games Are Good for You?( Science)
- Body Language
- Apollo 11 Reading Quiz
- Airbus Crisis Over Source Using English
- Concrete Through the Ages Source Dominic's IELTS Blog
Read and Listen to Short Stories Narrated by VOICE OF AMERICA (Some have quizzes. Some do not) These are all intermediate level reading and listening passages. The reading is slowed down considerably.
- Cleopatra: A Great Egyptian Ruler
- Harry Houdini: Magician and Escape Artist
- Isaac Newton: One of the World's Greatest Scientists
- Leonardo Da Vinci: Artist, Inventor
- Clara Barton: Founder of the International Red Cross
- Thomas Edison: Inventor
- The Wright Brothers
- Dr. Oliver Sacks Famous Psychiatrist
- Dian Fossey and the Mountain Gorillas
- Jane Goodall: Still Hard at Work for the Chimps
- Dr. Seuss, A Great Writer of Children's Books
- Billie Holiday America's Greatest Blues Singer
- James Brown the Godfather of Soul (quiz)
- Michael Jackson Famous Rock Star
- George Gershwin Part 1 from VOA (quiz)
Strange News Stories from Around the World (All levels)
I am beginning to put some of my own exercises in these pages. Try the first one and see what you think. Make sure you read the instructions .
Readings from Other Sources
- 20 Reading Cloze Quizzes
- Reading Cloze Practice Music Videos
- Reading Cloze: Weather
- Good and Bad Behaviour
Readings about Scientific and Environment Topics:
Interesting Short Readings with Exercises
Reading About Jobs and Work
Short Stories:
- The Cop and the Anthem by O'Henry
- The Gift of the Magi by O Henry
- The Last Leaf by OHenry
- One Thousand Dollars by O Henry
- A pair-of-silk-stockings-by-Kate-Chopin.
- Athenaise by Kate Chopin
- White Heron by Sarah Jane Jewett
- The Californian's Tale by Mark Twain
- The Exact Science of Matrimony by Mark Twain
- The Boarded Window by Ambrose Pierce
- How Keesh Hunted Bear by Jack London
- The Lady or the Tiger by Frank Stockton
All Summer in a Day ( pdf)
Thomas Hardy Short Stories ( a collection of 55 stories) 8 Science Fiction Short Stories for Middle School Interesting Authentic Articles with Practice Exercises
- Banned Books and Censhorship
- Bloody Sunday
- Wanted: The Top Ten Fugitives in America
- Love Bytes
- Love Bytes Exercises
- Grease: An Online Reading Webquest
You are what you read!
Do you
read your daily news stories from a variety of sources or just one? For
to online news sources and different perspectives from around the world,
Interesting Short Articles on a Wide Range of Topics:
These articles do NOT have comprehension exercises
- Video Games and Aggressive Behaviour
- Shanghai Trying To Untangle Mangled English of Chinglish
- Paper Version Better for Memory than Online Reading
- Identity Theft Part 1
Identity Theft Part 2
Longer Interesting Articles I Recommend
- A Time Special Report: How to live a hundred Years: A large series of articles that include the cost, the diet, exercise, an article on 2whether it is worth it, and a variety of medical studies.
- The Science of Living Longer
- Why Do We Insist on Judging Mothers
Links for Graphic Novels and Manga Comics
thousands of online manga comix. Many of them are continuing series that you can subscribe to and have sent to you through your email.
thousands of online manga comix. Many of them are continuing series that you can subscribe to and have sent to you through your email.
- One Manga
- Online Manga Viewer
- Our
Wormworld Saga : A graphic novel with many chapters
Avengers #500 HOLIDAYS
The Christmas Maze
Reading Comprehension Strategies for Middle School Students
\Strategies for Struggling Readers
Reading Strategies Poster
Five Effective Habits of Effective writing Groups
Ten Tips to ASearch Google Like a Pro
Reading Comprehension Strategies for Middle School Students
\Strategies for Struggling Readers
Reading Strategies Poster
Five Effective Habits of Effective writing Groups
Ten Tips to ASearch Google Like a Pro
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