In Flanders fields the poppies blow
between the crosses, row on row
the larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
we lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
loved and were loved, and now we lie
in Flanders fields .
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
the torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die.
we shall not sleep
though poppies grow
in Flanders fields.
Why the Poppy?
For almost 100 years, people from Canada, Britain, France, Belgium, Australia, New Zealand and other Commonwealth countries have worn the red poppy as a symbol of Remembrance Day.
This simple red flower continues to be one of most visible ways people can show that they remember and thank the millions of men and women who gave up their lives for their countries in World War 1, World War 11 and all other wars.
The association between the poppy and war dead goes back to the Napoleonic Wars in the early 1800s when soldiers noticed that poppies seemed to thrive on the graves of soldiers who had died in battle in Flanders, a region of northern France and Belgium.
In 1915, Colonel John McCrae, a medical officer serving in Belgium, made the same connection between the fields of poppies and the young soldiers who had been killed in battle. This inspired him to write In Flanders Field during a break from working with the wounded.
The poem, one that almost every Canadian, British, Australian and New Zealand child can recite from memory, reflects what McCrae saw and heard while working to save dying and injured soldiers during a deadly battle.
On April 22, 1915, the Germans used deadly chlorine gas against Allied troops in a desperate attempt to create movement on one side or the other. Although they were suffering from the terrible effects of gas, the Canadian soldiers continued to fight and hold the line for another 16 days.
In the trenches where he was caring for hundreds of wounded and dying soldiers, McCrae was so deeply affected that wrote a letter to his mother.
The letter to his mother
"The general impression in my mind is a nightmare. We have been in the most bitter of fights. For seventeen days and seventeen nights none of us have had our clothes off, nor our boots, except occasionally.
"In all that time while I was awake, gunfire and rifle fire never ceased for sixty seconds...And behind if all was the constant background of the sights of the dead, the wounded, the maimed, and a terrible anxiety lest the line should give way," he wrote.
In November 1918 as the armistice ended World War 1, Moina Michael, an American teacher working at the YMCA Overseas War Headquarters read McCrae's appeal "to keep faith with the dead" and vowed that she would always wear a poppy as a sign of remembrance. Following her two year campaign to have the United States adopt the poppy as a national symbol, the U.S proclaimed it as its national emblem of Remembrance.
The following year, Anna Guerin, a Frenchwoman, sold millions of poppies to raise funds for rehabilitation in areas of France. She also sent women to London to sell poppies and persuaded Earl Haig to adopt it as a memorial symbol for the British Legion.
In 1921 the Canadian Legion joined its British counterpart and officially adapted the poppy as its symbol of Remembrance.
The association between the poppy and war dead goes back to the Napoleonic Wars in the early 1800s when soldiers noticed that poppies seemed to thrive on the graves of soldiers who had died in battle in Flanders, a region of northern France and Belgium.
The poem, one that almost every Canadian, British, Australian and New Zealand child can recite from memory, reflects what McCrae saw and heard while working to save dying and injured soldiers during a deadly battle.
The Story Behind the Poem
On April 22, 1915, the Germans used deadly chlorine gas against Allied troops in a desperate attempt to create movement on one side or the other. Although they were suffering from the terrible effects of gas, the Canadian soldiers continued to fight and hold the line for another 16 days.
In the trenches where he was caring for hundreds of wounded and dying soldiers, McCrae was so deeply affected that wrote a letter to his mother.
The letter to his mother
"The general impression in my mind is a nightmare. We have been in the most bitter of fights. For seventeen days and seventeen nights none of us have had our clothes off, nor our boots, except occasionally.
"In all that time while I was awake, gunfire and rifle fire never ceased for sixty seconds...And behind if all was the constant background of the sights of the dead, the wounded, the maimed, and a terrible anxiety lest the line should give way," he wrote.
The day before he wrote the poem, one of McCrae's best friends was killed in the fighting and buried in a grave with a simple wooden cross.
Wild poppies were already beginning to bloom between the crosses marking the many graves. Although he couldn't help his friend, or any of the others who had died, McCrae spoke for them in this poem. It was the second last poem he was to write.
Wild poppies were already beginning to bloom between the crosses marking the many graves. Although he couldn't help his friend, or any of the others who had died, McCrae spoke for them in this poem. It was the second last poem he was to write.
Listen to In Flanders Field being read out loud. Follow along, or read it at the same time - slowly and solemnly as it is meant to be read
How the Poppy Became an Official Symbol
The following year, Anna Guerin, a Frenchwoman, sold millions of poppies to raise funds for rehabilitation in areas of France. She also sent women to London to sell poppies and persuaded Earl Haig to adopt it as a memorial symbol for the British Legion.
In 1921 the Canadian Legion joined its British counterpart and officially adapted the poppy as its symbol of Remembrance.
Why Should You Wear A Poppy?
First, wearing a poppy is one very visible way to show respect and admiration for the men and women who sacrificed their lives in order to help us retain the freedom and rights we take for granted.
Also when you buy and wear a poppy, you will be helping military families, and veterans in need and their families.
Where does the money go in Britain?
Last year the poppy campaign in Britain raised more than £40 m ( that's about about $70 million Canadian). The Royal British Legion said it spends £1.7m a week on care and support for military families, including grants, employment advice and funding, emotional support, tribunal and inquest advice, care homes and family breaks. This includes the families of veterans returning from Afghanistan. or any other area of conflict.
Where does the money go in Canada?
Last year, the sale of poppies raised about $16.5 million in Canada.
The legion distributes about 18 million poppies a year via its members, veterans, military cadets and through direct mailings. Assuming all are given out to Canadians, it amounts to average donations of less than a dollar per available poppy.
The basic purpose of Poppy Funds is to provide immediate assistance to ex-servicemen and women in need. This may include food, shelter or medical attention for them or their families. Also, education bursaries are granted to children and grandchildren of ex-service personnel.
Poppy funds can be used for low-rental housing and care facilities, community medical appliances and medical research, drop-in centres, meals-on-wheels, transportation and related services for veterans their dependents. Facilities and services are often extended to the elderly or disabled in the community as may be available.
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Online Reading Comprehension Quiz: The Poppy
First, wearing a poppy is one very visible way to show respect and admiration for the men and women who sacrificed their lives in order to help us retain the freedom and rights we take for granted.
Also when you buy and wear a poppy, you will be helping military families, and veterans in need and their families.
Where does the money go in Britain?
Last year the poppy campaign in Britain raised more than £40 m ( that's about about $70 million Canadian). The Royal British Legion said it spends £1.7m a week on care and support for military families, including grants, employment advice and funding, emotional support, tribunal and inquest advice, care homes and family breaks. This includes the families of veterans returning from Afghanistan. or any other area of conflict.
Where does the money go in Canada?
The legion distributes about 18 million poppies a year via its members, veterans, military cadets and through direct mailings. Assuming all are given out to Canadians, it amounts to average donations of less than a dollar per available poppy.
The basic purpose of Poppy Funds is to provide immediate assistance to ex-servicemen and women in need. This may include food, shelter or medical attention for them or their families. Also, education bursaries are granted to children and grandchildren of ex-service personnel.
Poppy funds can be used for low-rental housing and care facilities, community medical appliances and medical research, drop-in centres, meals-on-wheels, transportation and related services for veterans their dependents. Facilities and services are often extended to the elderly or disabled in the community as may be available.
Is the poppy relevant to the veterans of today?
The recent role of Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan, and the creation of the Highway of Heroes Highway of Heroes as a sign of respect Canadians have shown for the families of the more than 160 Canadian soldiers killed in Afghanistan would seem to indicate that the poppy is still relevant.
PDF Reading Comprehension Quiz: The Poppy
PDF Answer Key Reading Comprehension: The Poppy
Online Reading Comprehension Quiz: The Poppy
Write your answer in he comment box below
1. Do YOU think it is still important to wear a poppy? Why or why not?
2. What else should people do instead? Explain
Write your answer in he comment box below
1. Do YOU think it is still important to wear a poppy? Why or why not?
2. What else should people do instead? Explain
ReplyDeleteMcCrae’s poem, deeply fixed in the minds of Canadians, British, Australians and New Zealanders, powerfully presents his experiences as he took care of dying and injured soldiers on the battle field.
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